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Monday, June 12, 2006

Hey TV people: stop using those James Blunt songs!

Hey TV people: stop using those James Blunt songs!
TV Squad - Santa Monica,CA,USA
... the point to the audience... But do you really need to use James Blunt's song "You're Beautiful" to do it? Are we really that stupid ...

Writer Paul Davidson is taking a break from bumping into random celebrities to write this little ditty to the TV industry, An Open Letter To Producers Who Continue To Use James Blunt Over and Over and Over Again."I know that you sat watching that sequence with your female lead contemplating her life and the problems she's faced and the tough road she's traversed to get to this point in the episode you're currently in post production on... And I know that when you watched that sequence you thought to yourself how beautiful that character looked and how if you could just find a song that could communicate just how beautiful she was in that moment that it would further hit home the point to the audience... But do you really need to use James Blunt's song "You're Beautiful" to do it? Are we really that stupid that we will hear that song, listen to the words, and think to ourselves how beautiful said character is even though she's faced such tough problems throughout her life?"


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