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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

James Blunt And The Great Royalties Arse-Up

James Blunt And The Great Royalties Arse-Up
hecklerspray - London,UK
Singer/songwriter James Blunt has had royalties for six of the songs from his debut album Back To Bedlam suspended due to a dispute with a producer who claims ...
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Singer/songwriter James Blunt has had royalties for six of the songs from his
debut album Back To Bedlam suspended due to a dispute with a producer who claims
he helped Blunt in his ascension from bloke no-one was paying attention to in
the hope he’d go away, to the fully paid-up member of the Axis of Evil that he
is today.

Lukas Burton’s claims are that he worked with the Clunt at the start of his
career, but was ditched when other people starting noticing James Blunt’s
commercial potential. After not initially rating Blunt because of his lack of
musicianship, he claims he then invested time into developing James Blunt’s

Presumably Lukas Burton was distracted for a while, so forgot to make this
claim until James Blunt (CDs)
became the first UK artist to score a US number one in nine years. One may ask
what kind of a sick individual claims credit for James Blunt in the first place?

Better to suffer in poverty than drive around in your chauffeur-driven limo
whilst people point accusingly to a whispered soundtrack of “he’s the one.” But
then consider that Mr Burton was also responsible for the career of Dido, and
his reputation goes from being one of money-grabbing chancer to evil genius.

hecklerspray should point out that there’s nothing incriminating suggested by
the fact that the MCPS-PRS Alliance have suspended royalties since this is
standard procedure for disputes such as these. James Blunt’s publicist made a
brief statement:

"Traditionally, when a record is this massive, everyone wants to claim credit for its success. This is no different."


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